Goodbye codependent relationships, Hello Divine connections with an equal and balanced partnership.

For first time mentoring clients I highly recommend booking a 15 min Complimentary Consultation so we can go over any questions you may have and discuss your personal mentoring journey. Let’s chat!

All Sessions Done Remotely | In Person Sessions Available - Please Contact for Details

“No more searching for your perfect other half to fill the emptiness inside. That is giving someone outside of you full control of your own happiness and sense of worth. It’s time to take your power back, find those empty spaces within and fill your own cup. You will align with the most beautiful, balanced and whole individual as you become your most beautiful, balanced and whole self.”


Watch the video below to learn more!

Soulmates, Twin Flames, Deep Soul Connections, Karmic Partners… Our romantic partnerships are a beautiful reflection of our own self love. Whether you are currently in a partnership or are single, the root of our journeys live in our relationship with self. It all begins with self.

Like attracts like. Fill up your own cup, heal your wounds, continue down the journey of self love and healing, and you will have no choice but to align with a divine counterpart who is of equal energy and frequency to you.

A taste of what we will cover during our mentoring sessions:

  • Break free of your codependency

  • Discover the lessons in current connections and past connections

  • Recognize the triggers and then dive into them

  • Locate the wounds we still live in

  • Explore The Five Love Languages with a Lava to Stone Spin… it’s a great tool to use to discover what we are lacking within

  • Explore the inner child (or children) within who’s needs are affecting your deeper connections with partners

  • Locate and begin to unwire internal belief systems that no longer serve you

  • Break free of old cycles

  • Take your power back from the pain of previous heartbreaks

  • Get out of victim mode (what did that just trigger within you when you read that? ;) )

  • Find the courage to stop blaming the external reality when it’s merely a reflection of your internal

  • Shadow work, shadow work, shadow work

  • Fall in love with yourself

  • Take your healing and love life into your own hands by showing up for yourself first

I cannot do this work for you, but I can guide you and help keep your energy aligned and in a higher vibration. To sustain the work accomplished in the Soul to Soul Mentoring it will require your own personal commitment to yourself.  You’ve got this!

So… Are you ready to work?



1:1 Custom Channeled Mentoring and Healing Session

45 mins Chat | 45 mins Guided Visualization & Energy Healing



1:1 Custom Channeled Mentoring and Healing Session

45 mins Chat | 45 mins Guided Visualization & Energy Healing

Check In Sessions

Check in conversation through phone call or Zoom to share updates and answer any questions specific to your journey regarding the work we have been covering together. No guided meditation or visualization.


30 min Conversation


15 min Conversation

I’m Looking Forward to Connecting With You