Lava to Stone Services
For quick access click: Reiki (keep scrolling) - Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire Program | Soul to Soul Mentoring | Soul Partnerships | Twin Flame Mentoring | Spiritual Awakening for Kids & Adults | Past Life Healing | Inner Child Healing | 1:1 Chats | 15 min Complimentary Consultation
To Host A Workshop Please Email Vanessa@Lavatostone.com
Mission Statement:
At Lava to Stone, we bring your shadows to the light, break toxic patterns and cycles, and connect with the root of your pain to align you with your highest potential. Utilizing our connection with the Divine, we dig deep into your personal story, locate the root of your issue, and tend to it with unconditional love, compassion, non-judgement and light. We will assist you in activating your natural gifts, and taking your power back as you break through your barriers to find your own light at the end of the tunnel. Our mission is to help heal this world one soul at a time.
For first time clients I highly recommend booking a 15 min Complimentary Consultation so we can go over any questions you may have before diving into your healing journey.
What exactly is Reiki?
Reiki Def. - “Rei” (universal) “ki” (life energy) is a Japanese Energy Healing Practice that involves the transfer of universal healing energy, also known as Qi, through the practitioner and into the client’s energetic field. This can be done in person or remotely; both are equally beneficial and effective. Reiki helps the client’s energy go back into a state of flow, clearing out energetic blocks and stagnation. It is a subtle and gentle form of cleansing completely guided and led by Spirit.
With an energy healing alone you will receive reiki, a chakra alignment, shamanic clearing, activations (when Spirit deems applicable), a gateway opening to the next step on your healing journey, an ease of a shift in your vibration to the highest frequency you are meant to reach at that time, aligning you with a more abundant and fulfilled daily life. Our work will open you up to the magic of the universe.
My healings have been known to leave you feeling centered, grounded, aligned, and clear. They aid in physical, emotional and energetic wellness, as well as bring great insight into your personal soul journey.
Reiki For You
Feeling frazzled because life is overwhelming? If you’re craving a moment of peace and tranquility, you need to zen out with reiki. Offerings from a single deep Reiki Shamanic Clearing to Reiki reboots which include an intuitive reading and crystal info; or a combination package!
Reiki for the Family
Bond with your little one on a deeper energetic level or help your child unwind and breathe for a bit from the stresses of living in these crazy times. Family reiki will help you connect to the ones closest to you.
Reiki For Your Pet
Our fur babies need love too! (Or feathered, scaled, furless friends!) Treat your beloved pet to some distance energy healing ♥️
Deeper Services
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire
Are you ready to create the life of your dreams? Everything is energy! We are all vibration and frequency. Like attracts like- vibrationally. Your internal reality reflects your external reality. Not liking what you’re seeing in your personal reality? Turn inward and start crafting your vibration to attract in the world you’d like to experience. How? Click below and find out!
Soul to Soul Mentoring
Soulmates, Twin Flames, Deep Soul Connections, Karmic Partners…Whether you are currently in a partnership or are single, the root of our journeys live in our relationship with ourselves. It all begins with You.
Soul Partnerships
A service for 2! Are things feeling a little disconnected between you and your partner? It’s time to reconnect energetically with your beloved. Bond with your partner on a deeper, intimate, and energetic level.
Twin Flame Eternal Dance Mentoring Program
Are you a Twin Flame and looking for a space of non-judgement, understanding and guidance on navigating your journey (that nobody else seems to understand)? I hear, I see you, I’m here for you.
Spiritual Awakening for Kids & Adults
The STAR CHILD & AWAKENING ZEN DEN are Mentoring Programs created specifically for those who want to learn how to work with the magic of the Universe.
Moving Past Your Past Life
As we heal and release experiences, traumas, patterns, and fears from our previous lifetimes, we are then able to move forward in our current lifetime in a more open and empowering way.
Inner Child Healing
Guided by Spirit we will spend two days together not only exploring, healing and releasing roots from your earlier years and as well as your present life. To get to the root, prepare to dig deep.
1:1 Chat 30 mins & 15 mins
Let’s spend this time together chatting all about your personal journey! The questions, experiences and confusion that comes up during this journey are endless. I’d love to assist you! Come pick my brain!

What to expect.
Working with me you will explore, heal and release fears, blocks, and boundaries that cloud your vision to your inner truth. Together with Spirit we gently, lovingly, and powerfully flow through the barriers. These walls might have been put on you by society, family lineage or your own soul history. Whatever the case, you will create a new, clearer path. Once you begin healing, I highly recommend following through so that you may be properly equipped to face your fears head on and work through them. I’ll be here (along with Spirit) to guide you every step of the way!
What will be provided is a loving shake-up to your soul. The trapped pain, trauma and fear will gently be brought to the surface, allowing the healing process to begin. While it is up to you to do the work and follow through, you will locate and discover the blocks that are preventing you from sharing your light with the world. You’ll be supplied with tools and suggestions channeled from Spirit as well as from my own personal experience on continuing down your life path filled with self confidence, empowerment, trust and mindfulness.
There is no such thing as a one size fits all healing. You may experience any of these healing modalities when working with me:
Guided meditation/visualization
Deep reiki and Shamanic energy clearing
Channeled messages
Private mentoring session
Regardless of your path and what service you choose, you will walk away feeling refreshed, aligned, optimistic, and ready to take on the next step. I look forward to connecting with you!

In Person Classes/Workshops
Attend one of Vanessa’s In Person classes and workshops!
Virtual Classes/Workshops
Vanessa offers classes and workshops online.