Is your child a sensitive soul with a light that shines so bright it may be difficult for them to navigate the every day world?

For first time mentoring clients I highly recommend booking a 15 min Complimentary Consultation so we can go over any questions you may have and discuss your child’s personal mentoring journey. Let’s chat!


Watch the video below to learn more from Vanessa about the Star Child Mentoring Program!

The solution to help your child thrive in today’s world- Ages 6 to 17


So many of our children coming into this world are highly sensitive to energies around them, incredibly intuitive and may have daily experiences that others around them may not understand. They may not even be aware of all of the energy from others that they take on, or may physically feel uncomfortable due to the vibrations around them in their day to day realities.

In the Star Child Mentoring Program they will have a safe space to express freely all of the experiences, thoughts and feelings they may otherwise keep to themselves out of fear of being looked at funny. They will learn the importance of shielding their energy, grounding and connecting with their own spiritual teams. I will also be assisting them energetically during their own 30 min reiki session where our spiritual teams and I will clear their energy, realign their chakras, upgrade their energetic systems and natural gifts. I will also pull two cards for them and receive downloads and messages to share with them during our mentoring session. I will also be receiving messages for their guardian on how to continue supporting their journeys.

Our first 15 mins is a check in on Zoom where your child and I will chat a bit about how they’re doing and what their intentions are for their reiki session immediately following our chat. We will also come up with some ideas on how they can spend their time during their reiki session (which is a private time for them. No zoom for us)

Ideas on how to spend their Zen Time:
-Connecting with the plants in the yard
-Sitting in the sun
-Quietly resting
-Building blocks/legos/puzzles
-Arts and Crafts
-Reading a book
-Laying in the grass under the sun
*Preferably no screen time

By the evening before I will also have any information through email from you on what is going on in their world and what you feel they could use some assistance on during their reiki session.

After our 15 min intention setting we will take a 15 min break so they can get comfy and set up their space. Our reiki session will be 30 mins and off screen. You as the grown up will be my point person (unless you prefer I communicate directly with them depending on their age). I will be texting you music (optional) that I will be using and they can listen to it at the same time during their session. I will also be sending you pictures of their crystal set up and card spread and a voice memo with any guidance that came through for them and yourself. When our reiki session is complete, I will text you and then 5 mins later (enough time for a potty break) your child and I will meet on Zoom to have our 25 min mentoring session. The session will be recorded and emailed to you (and/or them depedning on guardian’s preference and the age of the child) after we sign off. ✨


Bi-Monthly 15 min Intention Setting, 30 min reiki and 25 min mentoring sessions

Zoom Sessions


Single Session 15 min Intention Setting, 30 min reiki (off screen) and 25 min mentoring sessions

Zoom Session