Find Your Mirror | February 2022

Here in the U.S., February is often viewed as the month of LOVE. Does that give you butterflies or make you nauseous? Whether you're Team Roses/Chocolates/Flowers or Team Valentine's Day is ridiculous and just a scam for businesses to make money/thanks for the reminder that I'm alone --- or somewhere in between, one thing stands true:

In order to truly receive and experience a healthy, balanced, pure, genuine love from another, you first have to have that genuine love for yourself. (I know, easier said than done.) Our external reality is a reflection of our internal reality.

If you have a partner or loved one(s) in your life whom you are celebrating with love, take a moment to recognize the mirror they present to you. The beauty you see in them is merely a reflection of the beauty that exists within yourself. If you are solo on your journey, find the beauty in the trees, the sky, the sun, the magic of the Universe... all reflections of you.


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