September 2022 | A New World Of Opportunities ✨

Virgo Season has arrived and it’s now time to get to work. The play time of Leo season has made that transition into “Back to School” “Back to Work” “Time to Harvest the seeds we’ve planted” mode while at the same time recovering from the spin and possibly chaos of August.

How was your August? Were you gripping on tight to what felt comfortable as the Universe continued to drag you through the cosmic and energetic forces that promised to clean you up through it’s deep cleaning process and spit you out as a new version of you (willingly or unwillingly)? Or did you see that wave coming from a distance, grab that surfboard, boogie board, inner tube, wave runner, etc, time that wave, jump on and ride WITH the powers and the forces bigger than our human selves? Either way, it was one heck of a ride was it not?

So what now? As I’ve been seeing in my clients during our 1:1 healing sessions, our mentoring sessions, our in person group classes as well as in my friends’ lives and my own life, we’re now finding ourselves coming down off that wave (or being tossed after the tumbles) and being washed onto new shores. The ride hasn’t stopped, if anything it may feel like it’s picked up momentum! It’s shifted into a new current you are riding into this month of September. Buckle up! New doors may be suddenly presenting themselves to you. All of the work you have been doing the last few months of tending to the seeds in your own personal universe may now be screaming out to you that they’re ready to be harvested and combined with your other manifestations which are unfolding at the same time to create a new gorgeous spread of abundance; one you may not have even dreamed of when first deciding which seeds to plant. They may be suddenly flourishing so quickly and so abundantly that you find yourself in either overwhelm of the gifts not sure where to turn or where to begin, or perhaps you’re in sudden go go go work mode where this new current of energy is coursing through you so strongly you find yourself unable to get off the ride to breathe for a moment… or a bit of both depending on the day, the hour, the moment…

Take a moment right now and allow yourself to stop… take a step off of the ride… feel the earth beneath your feet, place one hand on your heart and the other on your belly, and breathe… slowly inhaling through your nose, and exhaling through your mouth… then take a look at your journey over the last few months. Take yourself back to the Spring… See your storyline objectively, stepping outside of the emotions and attachments and simply observe. What did you reality look like when you planted these beautiful seeds? What did you envision them growing into? Did you have a specific vision in mind or did you simply pray that they would grow? Did you micro manage the seeds and over tend to them or did you allow Mother Nature and the Universe to do their part of the co-creation as you did yours? Who was in your every day world then and who is in your world now? What new choices have you made to further your self care and balance within your four bodies of existence: Physical Body, Mental Body, Emotional Body, Energetic/Spiritual Body?

If you could tell yourself who was planting those seeds in the spring time any words of advice or guidance to get them through what is to come for the summer you just experienced, what would they be?

When I look back at my Spring, having just recently arrived in the Pocono Mountains in PA after driving across the country from the Bay Area in CA with a big ol’ question mark hovering about my awareness of the future… one giant “I don’t know”… stressing, questioning, begging for Spirit for any bit of guidance on the next steps forward, being pushed completely out of my comfort zone with unexpected realization of having to practically starting over from scratch in a new state, a new way of life, a brand new community… Wondering “What in the world am I doing here?! Why did Spirit bring me to these woods? I’m no longer just visiting for a few weeks or the summer, I’m now having no other option but to plant roots and move here… this wasn’t my plan! I thought I was ‘supposed’ to be in Hawaii by now!” Summer was not easy. Summer forced me to fully step into my self and find my voice, face more shadows in my personal journey and to dive deeper into my gifts of healing and teaching… and it was EXTREMELY uncomfortable (as most healing processes are)…

Looking back at the 'me' over the last 4 months, I see her/me with so much love, compassion and respect. I am so proud of her and the life she has now created, the new connections and bonds she has formed, and the new community around her that continues to grow and expand every single day… I look back at her and reassure her “It is all working out and unfolding exactly as it’s meant to. I know it can be scary walking head on into the unknown, but so many gifts are awaiting you just around the bend. Trust in your Spiritual Team, continue connecting with your Higher Self, keep doing the inner work, trust in Divine timing, and please please please don’t ever stop being yourself. The world needs your light. YOU need your light. Keep tending to your flame first and then share it with others.”

So… what would you tell your past self?… Now look in the mirror and tell your present self the same thing… keep doing the work. Keep going. Don’t give up on yourself or your growth. Keep evolving!

As this month of beautiful opportunities and doors continue to open in the most magical of ways, take a breath before saying “Yes” to it all. Again, step out of the story, check in with your body, and see how it feels when you voice the new opportunity to yourself. How your body responds will be your answer. Balance balance balance my loves! Stay grounded, stay connected, tend to your harvest and enjoy the gifts coming your way. You deserve it!


October 2022 | What Life Are You Creating Today? ✨


Lion's Gate Aug 2022 | Ready to Play?