Believe ✨

"Whatever follows "I am" will come looking for you." -Joel Osteen ✨ Words are powerful... particularly your own.

So, what are some of your "I am"s? I encourage you to go throughout your day and see how often you say "I am ____" , and then see if what you are claiming to the universe, stating to the universe, is truly what you believe that you are and what you want to continue attracting into your world. If not, change your I ams.

It may feel weird at first, you may even feel self-conscious, embarrassed, guilty, shamed, etc... for saying something GOOD about yourself! If that happens, great! That's gold! Use that opportunity to ask yourself why you have that reaction to stating and believing (or wanting to believe) something positive about yourself. It's your first step to doing the work... follow that thread. Find the wound, acknowledge the wound, give the wound a voice, and begin the process of healing the wound ♥️ In the meantime, shift your I ams and watch how your energy, your mood, your beliefs about yourself, everything begins to change ✨

Need help with working that thread? I'm here for you. Let's chat ♥️

What are some or your I ams? Which I ams do you love and which would you like to shift? Share below ✨


Choose Your Path, Moment to Moment


You Are Seen, You Are Heard, You Are Loved