Light workers! We are on a JOINT MISSION! Please Support One Another ♥️

No matter what industry you are in (highly competitive or not) do yourself and the vibration of the collective a favor and cheer when others succeed. Send genuine good vibes and thoughts when others are struggling. There are plenty of clients/gigs/opportunities for everyone.

HEALERS! PLEASE SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER!!! We are in a weird time where our work has become a new thriving industry and we're all still trying to figure this all out. We're building a new template for generations to come. Paving out the road ahead so the future energy healers, medical intuitives, channelers, sounds healers, crystal healers, tarot readers, astrologers, holistic practitioners, galactic healers, shamans, herbalists - the list goes on and on (and likely you're a combination of at least three of these 😂) can thrive in our footsteps.

We all have our unique gifts for a reason. We're all different for a reason!! THE COLLECTIVE NEEDS EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US!!! Please support one another, send your clients to your other friends who have abilities that compliment the work you already do, or perhaps they have a speciality that would be key to your client's next step in their healing journey.

We are here to assist the collective, TOGETHER. We are a web with the same (ish - I'm assuming here) goal, to assist the collective during their awakening journey. To anchor in light. To do the work. How in the world can you anchor in and spread your own light when you're too busy snuffing out everyone else's (particularly those you feel are a threat to your own work). Thank goodness I'm not the only person in the world who does reiki, shamanic clearings, tarot, channellings, inner child work, past life work etc. Thank goodness there are so many light-workers out there on their divinely guided path.

Keep focusing on your piece of the puzzle and remember that it's not about You. It's not about Me. It's about the collective and the generations to come. ♥️

I love you ✨


How YOU experience YOU is what's important ✨


3 Quick Tips To Stay in Flow - Personal Energy Maintenance! ✨