Lava to Stone Zone

Videos below are not listed by date. Check out the categories at the top of the page (scroll to the right if on your phone) and dive right in, there’s plenty to experience and learn from! And as always, just take what resonates ❤️

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  • Vanessa Hernandez, Healer and Reiki Master, talks her spiritual journey - FULL EPISODE
    • 5/17/23

    Vanessa Hernandez, Healer and Reiki Master, talks her spiritual journey - FULL EPISODE

    Vanessa Hernandez is a spiritual healer who specializes in energy healing, reiki healing, Inner child healing and past life healing. She has worked with clients across the world, helping them understand their own souls journey and how they can heal themselves.

    She sat down with us to share her winding journey into her spiritual life and about the amazing work she does now with clients all over the world.

  • "The Spiritual Buffet" In The Deep End: A Healer's Journey to Self w/Vanessa Hernandez (Clip)
    • 6/15/23

    "The Spiritual Buffet" In The Deep End: A Healer's Journey to Self w/Vanessa Hernandez (Clip)

    Spirituality is Like a Big Buffet | Take What Resonates | Leave the Rest Behind | Make This Journey Your Own

    I like to see this journey as a Spiritual Buffet... take a taste, if it tastes good (resonates) put it on your plate, if it doesn't (doesn't resonate) don't put it on your plate. Eventually down the line you will look down at your plate and see only the things that work with your personal taste buds, then I encourage you to make a meal out of it!