November 2023 | Embracing The In-Between

Hello Loves!

November... holy smokes how did you do with this eclipse season in Oct? I knew it would be a doozy but I sure didn't see a lot of the extremes of it coming. I hope you took every lesson, wound and imbalance that surfaced for you gracefully (as best as possible) and with love as our bodies and souls continue to shift and evolve. Many of us (including myself) experienced some of the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, whether it was through new souls who joined our journey and souls who parted ways, or simply dealing with the very heavy energies that are swirling within and around the collective. I hope everyone was able to find their touch points of whomever, whatever or wherever feels like home to them, tended to those spaces with love and compassion, and was able to find comfort in the warmth of it's love.

I personally found myself having to deal with not only the weight of the collective energy, some lower vibrations from other areas of my life, my own personal wounds and triggers that my 16 year old self was suddenly charging into my awareness with (emotions, panic, anxiety and confusion a blaze mixed in with her hormonal madness she was still experiencing lol), while at the same time welcoming in new key players in my present journey, and a big ol' bucket of the massive unknown. As we continue on our personal healing journeys, healing fears, traumas and wounds, and letting go of what no longer serves us, our physical vibration continues to raise higher and higher. This of course is the goal and byproduct of the ascension journey... BUT did you know that as we process emotionally, mentally and spiritually/energetically, we also process PHYSICALLY.

My body sure took a beating this month and maybe yours did too. It can present itself in a number of ways. Check out the video below as I touch more on this.

What Is Your Body Telling You

Now we roll into November from this very shaky time. October (libra season) showed us where life was not in balance. Where maybe we were completely bull dozing over our own boundaries or simply what relationships we were no longer vibing with. We are now in Scorpio season and this is when we might start seeing the action of parting ways and cutting things out of our life and our world really may start looking different around us. Do your best not to hang on to anything too tightly simply out of fear of the unknown to come. If things are clearing out for you, focus your energy on the exciting new story that is unfolding. We are currently in a time where the veil between our 3D world and the Spiritual world is incredibly thin. Your intuition may be even more heightened, your connection to your loved ones on the other side and your ancestors may be incredibly palpable, and you may be extra sensitive to energies around you. Continue to practice your own energetic self care (you've got the mediation from me to dive into) and really stay on top of protecting your energy, grounding your energy and cleansing your energy.

For the past few days I've been trying to tune into what to really prep for with November to share with you guys but I'm not getting much. Scorpio in the tarot is the Death card, which actually means Death and Rebirth. The endings of cycles, the beginnings of new. A full transformation in life. We can't have the new higher vibrational story if the old energy doesn't die/release. So I feel that November may be a big time of transition. A time of the "in between". (Which can be incredibly uncomfortable.) It may be a bit more difficult to find our footing during this time so please when you need time alone to recalibrate and recharge, take it!!! Whatever that means to you. And remember, even though we may not be seeing crystal clearly what the future holds, you can always always always call on your spiritual team. Call on the Divine, God, Spirit, Source, the Universe, whomever it is you resonate with for protection, guidance on your next step, and assistance in allowing your story to continue to unfold in as smooth a way as possible. All for the highest good for yourself and the others in your story.

There is so much pain and suffering in the world right now and many of us may feel at a loss on how to help. We are all connected vibrationally. Whatever lives within our vibration is what ripples out to the energetic web of the collective. So feel free to join me as I personally focus on continuing to care for myself, raise my personal vibration and simply BE LOVE. Allowing that unconditional love vibration to fill me up from the Universe and spill throughout my being. That way I can share love with the world without depleting myself. We must take care of ourselves before those around us, other wise we end up trying to give from an empty cup. Make yourself a healthy priority. Be what you want to see in the world. The world needs you ❤️ I love you.

See you next month ✨

All My Love,

Vanessa Hernandez

Lava to Stone


It's Time to Choose You! | January 2024


Finding Beauty & Balance in the Midst of Endings of Cycles | October 2023 🍁