October 2022 | What Life Are You Creating Today? ✨

Happy Full Moon in Aries! A week into October, where does time go?! A change of seasons... transformation... the natural cycle of death into birth. We just closed out one season (Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, Winter in the Southern Hemisphere) and are now acclimating to the magic that awaits in the Fall or the Spring. A time when leaves are changing color (or growing back), where the veil between the worlds (our 3D world and the other dimensions) is thin, and where one chapter (or book) in your story closes and a brand new one begins. Which story/chapter/book in your life is coming to an end, and which is just now beginning to blossom and bloom?

I often hear in my classes, my workshops and my 1:1 healing/mentoring sessions, "I feel stuck. I need a change in my life. I have all of these dreams but I have no idea how to get there." It's times like these that I remind my clients that we are constantly creating our own reality. We are always co-creating with the Universe. It's when you're truly aware of the co-creation process that is happening that the real magic and fun begins. The Universe is always listening... always... especially when the veil is thin between our 3D world and the other worlds of existence. So what are you telling it? How are you showing the Universe you want to live every day? What are you thinking? What are you speaking? What are you doing?

I invite you to try this quick exercise. Take a moment and sit up straight (or stand) with your feet planted firmly on the ground. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in... as you exhale allow a visual of you in the future living your best life... now ask yourself:

What new choices or habits is your future self who is living their best life doing in their daily routine to stay in that abundant vibration? Is it a new eating habit? Are they taking daily walks? Are they journaling every morning with a cup of tea beside them before the rest of the house wakes up?

What old daily habits or choices have they let go of in order get to that abundant vibration? Did you quit sugar? Cut down to one cup of coffee a day? Quit smoking? Quit drinking alcohol?

How is future you speaking to yourself every day? Are they being compassionate to their process when they make a mistake? Are they using encouraging loving words? Do they speak beautifully to and about themselves when looking in the mirror? Are they judging themselves less? Are they celebrating themselves not because they've won or lost, but simply because they are actively on their own powerful path of discovering and honoring their true selves?

Who is in their every day reality who is genuinely supportive, loving and brings joy to their life?

Who is not?

And finally, what inside your future self is finally being fulfilled by living their best life? Which cup which was once running low or dry is now overflowing with abundance?

Taking another deep breath in and out, Ask yourself these questions and allow the answer to flow in with ease:

What is one new choice or habit that I can implement into my current daily routine that will kick start my path to the habits I saw in my future self?

What is one old choice or habit I can let go of with love and gratitude for all that it has served me up until now?

What is one new way I can start speaking to myself that will begin to shift me out of my current self talk, and lead me to the self talk of my future self?

What is one way today that I can strengthen or deepen my connection/bond with someone who I saw in the future who will be a positive part of my life? How can I show them gratitude for being who they are in my world right now?

And finally, think of that cup (or cups) who are currently low or empty and are going to be full in the future. What is one way TODAY I can begin to fill that empty cup within myself. As soon as you start filling your own cups, the Universe will align to match that, and then your cups will overflow.

Now open your eyes,.. and start creating your future ;)


September 2022 | A New World Of Opportunities ✨


Honor Your Holiday Highs & Lows | December 2022