Honor Your Holiday Highs & Lows | December 2022

The holidays are here and it can bring up all the feels. From the highest of highs to the lowest of lows, sometimes both extremes within a 10 min window. Missing our loved ones who are no longer with us in this 3D realm (but still very much with us in Spirit) while at the same time being grateful for the beautiful beings who are in our current story. From reuniting with loved ones and dear friends from over the decades, to meeting the new little lights who are experiencing their first ever holiday season. Perhaps we are nursing broken hearts or endings of massive chapters or even books of our lives while simultaneously discovering new stories, new characters or brand new blank crisp pages ahead.

The holiday season is a very sensitive time of the year. I encourage you to be extra kind, compassionate, sensitive and patient with yourselves and others around you, whether that's at the dinner table or on the road during holiday travel traffic. This is a wonderful time of year to remind yourself that nobody fully knows what is going on in anyone else's life. Don't assume that what you see online or what is presented to the public is the full picture. Do your best not to assume a thing. I encourage you to take a moment every morning as you start your day to see your stunning reflection, look into your powerful eyes and allow your light to shine as bright as it is able to that day. Some days may be brighter and easier than others, but know that the key is to honor where you are at in every moment. Keep seeing you and holding space for YOU. Choose yourself first!

If you find yourself flying high and feeling over the moon about life, relish in that feeling and live your day in that vibration. It's contagious ;) If you are in a heavier, lower vibration, allow yourself to feel the feels and then little by little move through them. How? Find something, anything to feel grateful for. Whether it is that you have the breath in your lungs, or your child or grandchild just gave you that sparkly smile of theirs. ❤️

Lately in my 1:1 healing and mentoring sessions, I have noticed a pretty consistent theme present itself: "Finding gratitude in the present moment when we feel ourselves getting caught up in the angst of the future or getting lost in the past." One of my favorite ways to come back to the present is by playing a quick game of using my five senses.

So take a moment and try this with me. Place one hand on your heart and one hand on your stomach. Take a deep inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. Now ask yourself these questions and and be simple yet specific with your answers:

What do I see? I see ________

What do I hear? I hear ________

What do I smell? I smell ______

What do I taste? I taste ______

What do I feel? I feel ______

Now ask your self: What's magical about this moment?

And finally, "I am grateful for _____"

Honor where you are at every moment, every single day. I love you and I thank you for being on this unpredictable, lesson filled, incredible human journey with me. Sending you all of my love!


October 2022 | What Life Are You Creating Today? ✨


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