You Are Seen, You Are Heard, You Are Loved

I saw my first bald eagle in person today. He's up in the trees to left. As I breathed with him I asked him if he had anything to share with the collective... this is what he said:

"You are seen

You are heard

You are loved

In those moments when you feel alone, dismissed, abandoned, unwanted, unworthy, unvalued, like nobody cares... it's simply because you aren't seeing your true self for the incredible human being that you are. And that's ok. We all feel that way sometimes. In those moments I invite you to look to Mother Earth, find the sky, the earth, the water, the sun and know that the Universe has no ego. Spirit doesn't judge. Spirit sees you for you, accepts you for you and loves you just the way you are"

A message I needed to hear myself as well. Thank you to the eagle and thank you to Mother Nature 🌱


Sedona Vortexes | Lesson Learned


Stop Chasing Your Dreams and Start Aligning with Them! (Raymondskill Falls, PA)