Part 2: 'Help! A psychic reading showed a future I don't want!'

"I got a reading and REALLY don't like what the future holds! What do I do??!!" 🔮 PART 2

Watch above and find out ✨

Did you catch Part 1? Don't like your current path that you're on? Find out the core reason why you're making the choices in your present moment, work on the pattern or wound and then make new choices. Change your present, manifest a new path to your future.

Part 2: SOMETIMES the future vision is actually part of your soul plan, so it's coming either way. Trust that it's a part of our plan for our highest good of our overall soul journey, we just may not see how it's for our good in the moment. So be open to potentially still experience that future but take the heads up as an opportunity to prepare yourself for it so it's simply a speed bump and not a sudden end of a road right off a cliff.


"Help! A Psychic Reading Showed a Future I Don't Want-What Do I do?!"


Bell Rock Vortex, Sedona AZ