May 2022 | What's Your Energy Bank Account Balance?

How often do you check in on/balance out your Bank Account? Now how often do you check in on/balance out your ENERGETIC Bank Account?

Do you find that the balance may shift depending on who you are spending time with or what you are spending your precious energy on? Are you making wise investments with your personal energy? Are you spending it paying off energetic debt? “Well they were there for me during that hard time, even though I don’t really have the emotional bandwidth right now to invest in their problems, I DO owe them.” Who is expecting you to 'pay them back', and who simply gives to give? How does it feel to be stuck in the cycle of literally paying interest on credit card debt owed and how does it feel when you find yourself in that same cycle energetically with someone or something else?

With which relationships do you get an energetic return on your investments? Which accounts are running low? Which are running dry? Which are overflowing in abundance? Which accounts are high in levels but are being “saved” for emergency use only instead of used to live life to your fullest potential? Where are you spending energy out of fear or obligation and where are you spending it out of love? The parallels fascinate me.

So… what is this Energy Bank Account and how do we work with it? We all have one (or many), let’s get to know it! Watch the video above to learn more!


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