Bring the Sunshine to the Rain, Let's Make a Rainbow | June 2023

June has arrived!

How did everyone handle May? I’ll be honest, I struggled, BIG TIME (and I know from clients and friends that I wasn't alone in that boat). We're still riding some of the ripple effects from eclipse season so continue to be gentle with yourself, stay on top of that self care and keep nourishing your vessel. My guides had some nice things to chew on for June in this months video. Some points we touch on are:

-Take a look at what story line closed out with the eclipses in the last month or two, and what new storylines began.

-Revisit your lessons from May and what belief systems you have unwired and rewired.

-What was shown to you last month that you are ready to tackle in a new and empowering way as we step into June?

-Allow yourself to feel the feels, take time to yourself to process if you need it. Grieve what was lost but also celebrate the new path.

-Tend to your inner-child

-June is about bringing sunshine to the rain, creating a rainbow and building your new Kingdom/Queendom.

-Stepping into your King or Queen energy (self) and no longer playing small as the peasant or the servant.

-What are you creating and bringing into June which will then roll into the Summer Solstice (or Winter Solstice for those in the southern hemisphere)?

-Find your sun space! Take a cue from the kids at play! Discover the world through their curious eyes

-We are all human, we are all figuring out this journey day to day. Please be kind to yourself and to others ✨

Journey into Crystals Workshop in Hawley, PA | June 24th, 2023

For more info and registration:


July 2023 | Stepping Out of Old Habits and Into the New Year


Time to Play! | May 2023 | Live Each Day As If It's Your First ✨