July 2023 | Stepping Out of Old Habits and Into the New Year

Hi Everyone!

July is here! How was your Solstice? Feeling the shift of the new story we've all jumped into? The Super Full Moon has just passed and our lives are shaking up and moving full steam ahead! How did you do with June? I knew the guidance was to bring sunshine to the rain but I was NOT prepared for how difficult that homework assignment was going to be... and how often I would have to reach deep down and find my own light to make that rainbow. (Completely lost on what I'm talking about? Check out the June 2023 video on YouTube or the Video Guidance for Your Journey page on the website.) Talk about full surrender as I was stripped layer by layer, having no say in any of it other than how I responded to the wounds of my inner child and my heart. It was a big time of figuring out once again who is home, where is home, what is home... talk about mega root chakra work. This journey can be a best sometimes lol Healing is messy but I promise it is all worth it. ❤️

And now, the journey continues... Welcome to July! We're in store for some more shake ups and big time 'feels', but we are also stepping out of the old template of the way we used to be, act, believe, and exist, and into the new version of us. An ever evolving and growing us. We are asking ourselves what exactly is it that we want? Which areas in our world need adjustments? Where are plan revisions required? Where are we ready to welcome in new ideas and new opportunities to unfold?

We are continuing to build and move forward on our healing journey, but with that process comes the wonderful moments where our old patterns, cycles, habits, self talk, belief systems etc can pop back in. Old Us vs New Us. Why? Because the Universe is giving us an opportunity to stop, take a breath, recognize the old habit (and possibly deep tug to slip backward a bit), and make a new choice. One that is in alignment with the new life we are manifesting. We can't create a new story using the old material. Vibration doesn't work that way. Like attracts like, so be mindful of the vibes you carry. These opportunities are also wonderful moments to tap back into that Inner Child healing. Take that younger you in, treat them the way they've always been worthy of being treated, and keep moving forward. I had my own version of this pop up just the other day (watch the video above to hear more)  and am pretty sure more moments are headed my way this month, but hey, that's part of the journey. Spend this July truly allowing yourself the time and space you need for self care, but also work the balance of enjoying community, family, friends, home and maybe even new ways (classes and events) to connect with your community. Continue manifesting from your heart and be open to the hiccups that will come along the way. Each hiccup is teaching you something. Perhaps an old lesson, perhaps a new one. Take that lesson and keep going. Don't give up and throw in the towel, instead turn that hiccup into a tool to add to your toolbox.

Speaking of community, self care and manifesting, if you are going to be in the Hawley, PA area this month, I will be offering 3 different workshops at The Hawley Hub. "Energetic Self Care" - 07/09; "Manifest Your Heart's Desires (tapping into the New Moon Energy)" - 07/16 & in case you missed June's class we will be having the "Journey Into Crystals Class" - 07/23 again! All sign up info is below. 

I will also be spending a full day at Earthly Treasures in Milford, PA, Sunday Jul 30th, 2023 on doing 1:1 Reiki Healing Sessions. Come get some in person energy healing, pulls some oracle cards and drift off into a state of bliss!

And please feel free to click on the video above and join me on my front porch as we talk all about July ❤️ See you guys in August!

All My Love,

Vanessa Hernandez

Lava to Stone


Ripple Effects of Embodying Your True Self - Sept 2023 - From The Shores of Waikiki


Bring the Sunshine to the Rain, Let's Make a Rainbow | June 2023