New Years Resolution vs Evolution - Step by Step! January 2023

Whether New Years is a thing for you or not, a large part of our collective around the world has been wired work with the Gregorian Calendar where January 1st is the beginning of the New Year. Is it actually the calendar date of January 1st that makes the change? Unless it's your birthday, then no, it's not. It's the energy around that date.

Whether you subscribe to New Years or not, energetically speaking, enough of the collective has put weight, focus and meaning to this date which in turn creates a gateway of time. And timestamp of change. A new beginning. The time where first days of diets, gym memberships and new promises of health routines kick in. Where we take a moment to reflect on the year that has passed and dream of the year to come. Clean slates, finally having the guts to say yes or to say no to something that's been weighing on your mind. The thought that maybe, just maybe this year will be different in whatever way your heart is aching for change.

So how do we utilize this energy? Collectively people tend to make New Year's resolutions, setting their intentions for the year. Fantastic! Here's where I swoop in: YES! Keep going down that route - you know I'm all about intentions - but I encourage you to take it one step forward. What if instead of making a "Resolution", we allow ourselves to simply set an intention to take the next step forward on your path to the life of your dreams... the next step on your New Year's "Evolution". One step at a time.

I was talking to my cousin the other night after he gave me my first tattoo (see below), and we were talking about what our most desired future looks like (from a business stand point). He gave me some amazing advice. He said to paint the final product/vision, look at the bigger picture, with all of the details you can imagine. Go as big as possible. Pull out all the stops. Dream dream dream. Once you have that picture, start working backwards, piece by piece, through all of the steps it will take to get there. When you make it back to you, your first/next step will be revealed.

So here I am offering the same idea to you. Paint your picture of your ideal 2023. Will it look exactly as you painted it a year from now? Of course not, but that's not the point. Once you have your vision, choose one simple step (whether its a new choice in your well being routine, or it's a simple perspective shift) and allow that to be your New Years Evolution. Take that first step, and when the next step on your new path that your building presents itself, choose that next New Years Evolution (no matter what time of year it is) and keep going. Keep building. Keep evolving. January 1st is simply a date on the calendar. But the energy behind it can be used to inspire you and carry you energetically down the new unpaved path to your heart's truest desires.


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