The Crystals Within You | February 2023

Hello Gorgeous Souls!

I've been thinking a lot about the power of energy, intention and it's direct impact on our own personal universes (meaning you and your beautiful unique vibrations and frequencies that swirl around you and through you at every moment of every day). And when Science and the Spiritual World walk hand in hand I get VERY excited. (Stay with me here)

If you have attended any of my classes over the last 6 months or so, you will have definitely heard me say over and over that EVERYTHING is ENERGY - from the screen you're looking at, to a thought form. Dr. Masaru Emoto did a study on human consciousness and it's effect on the molecular structure of water. Through different experiments playing with frequencies and vibrations (including sounds, thoughts, emotions, words, etc- it's all energy) he was able to prove that the different frequencies and vibrations had a direct impact on water samples. He found that high vibrational frequencies (ie. unconditional love, empowering thoughts, supportive and kind words) would create beautiful snowflakes and crystal designs once the water was frozen. And the water sample containing the lower frequencies (hate, anger, fear, insulting thoughts, threatening words) would create clouds, shards, cracks and crushed ice when frozen. Same water source, two different intentions.

Water holds memory. Science has proven this. Science also has proved that we humans are 60 to 70% water... So now I ask you, what are you feeding your internal crystals? If you were to flash freeze yourself in this moment, would you have delicate gorgeous snowflakes, or cloudy crushed ice?

We're now stepping into the month of February, which can be a sliding scale of an emotional month of the year... from insanely smitten, lovey dovey and living on cloud nine, to heavy, dark, low self esteem and loneliness. In the US we are smothered in Valentine's Day hearts, ads with flowers and wedding rings, and hallmark movies of the "ideal romantic love". We all have unique responses to this holiday. Some of us get very excited and feel over the moon with the red and pink decorations around us as well as the assortments of chocolates, flowers and stuffed animals. Others cringe and shutter and feel resentful for numerous reasons. Depending on your own situation, this may be a month where you are extra sensitive to relationships around you and wanting for more, wishing for more, viewing your surroundings from a space of lack or even recognizing how amazingly aligned you are with a beautiful and healthy situation and you send yourself into self sabotage mode picking yourself apart, wondering if you are even worthy or deserving of this light in your life. This may be a time where you're staring just a little harder at yourself in the mirror and finding every negative reason why you are alone, unhappy, or what may cause the other shoe to drop. We're all human. We've all been there. I know I sure have!

Now remember, THOUGHTS ARE ENERGY. I invite you to take a moment and really check in on what you are feeding the water inside of you. What crystals are you forming within?

When you look in the mirror, what are you saying to yourself? What are you thinking about yourself? Are you holding yourself in judgement or compassion? Are you acknowledging your reflection, saying hello and seeing the true you, or are you not even noticing that you're there? Dismissing yourself because there are other more important people or situations that take priority over you?

I encourage you to try for at least a few days, every time you find yourself in the mirror, looking into your eyes, saying hello and asking yourself how you are truly doing in that moment. Listen to your response and then do something for you based on that response. Start changing the crystals in your water. Bring out those snowflakes, stop adding to your clouds.

If I can be of any assistance to you, please don't hesitate to reach out!

I love you. Happy February! I am forever grateful for you being an important and wonderful part of my journey.


Vanessa Hernandez

Lava to Stone


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