Spring Equinox! March 2023 | Fill Your Own Cups & Watch Your Dreams Come True ✨

Hello Beautiful Souls!

As I write this month's newsletter I am sitting in a warm cozy room watching the snow fall outside the window. Last year at this time I was in my bedroom in Cali, planning a very exciting solo cross country road trip (bucket list moment) to visit a friend in PA, continue to do my Lava to Stone work remotely and explore new parts of the country I'd never seen before. I figured by June I'd be on my way back to beat the east coast heat. I knew a change was needed in my journey but I didn't know what that meant exactly. Magically I was gifted an opportunity to stay at my friend's cabin in the Poconos, so I listened to Spirit, followed my synchronicities, trusted in the Universe and continued to do my own inner healing work. According to my plans I would eventually head back to Cali, hop on a plane and make my move to Hawaii. Easy peasy.

Little did I know that almost one year later I will have officially relocated to Pennsylvania, have an incredible job as a Reiki Shamanic Healer at a destination spa resort where I get to meet and work with different magical souls every day, be a part of a beautiful community with wonderful new friends, live in a gorgeous home, be steps away from Mother Nature every single day, make besties with the sweetest deer, chipmunks, squirrels and many other critters, and align with an incredible partner who is the perfect energetic match for me. Equal energy exchanges in all areas of my life.

I didn't see ANY of this coming. Nothing in my life right now looks the way I had so expertly designed and mapped out, but as always the Universe had bigger plans for me.

Now here we are, March 2023, the end of the astrological year and the beginning of a new one. March 20th is the Spring Equinox, the beginning of Aries season. I realized last night as I was falling asleep that I had been manifesting this new reality for me for a very long time now. I had been speaking into existence the life I so desperately wanted to align with yet was still in process of doing the work to believe that I was truly worthy of it. At one point last year, around May/June, right before I was to come back to Cali, the Universe threw what I though was a wrench in the plan, but it turned out to be the greatest gift. I was forced to suddenly commit to figuring out a new life in a town and state I never intended on staying in. And even then I didn't think it would be for more than a few months. So I pulled up my boot straps, trusted in the universe's plan and walked my talk.

I was diving deep and tuning into the feelings I eventually wanted to feel every day. I would connect energetically to the energy of Lava to Stone and constantly tend to her, whatever she needed. I learned from my mentors. I invested in my business. I went out into the new world of towns around me and met wellness centers, yoga studios, theater groups and play reading groups. I kept comping back to the vibration of gratitude. I invested in myself; my own healing journey (which is never easy), my own shadow work, my own self love, my own self care. I fell in love with myself and treated myself with the compassion, non judgement (as best as possible), respect, kindness, and unconditional love that I hoped to align with in a partner one day. And I never stopped doing the work. I never stopped trusting in Spirit (sure I had my moments of panic, resistance, melt downs, and fear, I'm human, but I always came back to trust in my Spiritual Team). 

Was it smooth sailing the entire year? Absolutely not. Did I connect with incredible souls who continued to assist me on my healing and face my own inner shadows? 100%. People showed up in my life who I now have no idea how I've been existing without them, and others who I never thought would no longer be in my story have moved on to their own journeys. 

So why do I share this with you? It's a new year. What are you going to do with this potent energy of the approaching Spring Equinox? What are you wrapping up as this year closes out? What are you grateful for? What lessons did you learn about yourself this year? What will you carry energetically into the new year and what will you choose to leave in the past? 

Everything is energy. This is the first time in my life that every cup in my world is full, and the reason is not because someone or something else is filling it. It's because I filled them all myself. As that happens our vibrations shift, and like magnets we draw in and attract other people, situations and cups that are already full themselves. Then it becomes an energetic match. An equal exchange where two parties show up side by side ready to work together rather than depend on the other to fulfill whatever emptiness is inside of them. 

Do the work. Don't ever stop. Be open to the gifts coming your way and stay in gratitude. The healing journey is never ending, and neither is the support and love from Spirit/God/Universe/Source/Divine Creator/The Great Unknown... whatever resonates with you. 

What I thought was a setback in my story ended up being the biggest setup to a new life I never knew I could have. 

Happy Astrological New Year Everyone ✨ Thank you for being a part of my journey ❤️




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