April 2023 | Balancing Your 4 Bodies to Stay in Flow

Hello Beautiful Souls!

How is it already April?! The first quarter of the year has passed and (at least in my world) so much has happened in my life and in the lives of others around me. Some pretty extreme emotions, events and life changing experiences. In March we talked about closing out the end of the astrological year as the Spring Equinox approached, and how we were going to step into the new astrological year. This month I would like us to bring our awareness to the balance within our bodies. Now maybe it’s because April also happens to be my birthday month, so catching that wave into the new year feels extra potent with new beginnings and cycles, but either way we are all diving into this new current of energy and (at least to me) it feels like time is speeding up. So how do we stay in balance within ourselves without falling off of our metaphorical surfboards?

As always, only take what resonates with you: we amazing beings are made up of four types of bodies: Physical | Mental | Emotional | Energetic/Spiritual

In order for us to stay in flow with the Universe as best as we can, it is vital that we tend to all four bodies. Generally speaking, collectively we tend to focus on maybe one or two of these bodies (which is great), but I encourage you to go a little deeper with me this month and get your feet wet in all four. Utilizing the energies of new beginnings, I invite you to take a look at each body and see how you can make some slight adjustments in order to enhance them. Not sure how to go about it? I’ll share with you what my adjustments will be, straight from my journal. (I’m on this journey just as much as you are):

“Vanessa’s loving shifts and adjustments to welcome and maintain flow into her life:

Physical Body: I have invested in a full year gym membership and have dedicated specific time slots in my calendar for classes and gym time. I’m treating and honoring these appointments the way I would client sessions; by showing up completely present, setting clear intentions for my session, and ready to do the work.

Mental Body: I am choosing to be more mindful of my therapy sessions with my incredible therapist. Instead of spending most of my time catching her up on all of the amazing things in my life and saving the heavy hitter stuff toward the end, I commit to showing up with my troubles in hand and not subconsciously feel like I’m dumping all of my heaviness on to her from the get go. I will bring in my homework of what I am currently facing on my healing journey, no matter how 'small' or 'insignificant' I may think it is. I will trust that she wants the yucky stuff and that she truly enjoys being by my side as we work through the hard stuff together (just like I do with my clients in my sessions). I will allow myself to give my full weight to her open arms and not feel like I am too much. Let her do her job of guiding and holding space, as I do mine of diving deep and going where it is uncomfortable. The messy yet vital journey to heal my wounds.

Emotional Body: I am giving myself permission to voice when I am overwhelmed. (This is an especially tough one for me) I am trusting that it is safe for me to tell someone I love who I may be supporting through an extremely difficult time, that it is hard for me as well. I am allowing myself to accept that even though their pain and struggles are ones I will never know (because it’s their experience, not mine), I may be hurting and struggling as well. It’s ok (and even encouraged) to honor my own energetic and emotional capacity, and if I need a breather or need my own self care on my own, I am worthy of having it. I am allowing myself to feel the feels and no longer apologizing for my tears.


Energetic/Spiritual: I am choosing to honor when my energy is tapped out or I am unable to show up in my highest vibrations and hold space for my clients. If a session needs to be rescheduled, it’s ok to say no, it's ok to reschedule, and it's ok to send that email a day late in order to give myself the time and space to recharge. I don't have to feel guilty about it. Not only is that honoring my energetic body, but also my client’s healing journey."

And now I ask you: How will you be tending to your 4 bodies in order to stay in balance and continue riding the waves in flow? I would love for you to share! Message me, respond to this newsletter, text me, voice memo me, whatever works for you. It always helps to share with someone to get the ball rolling. Or maybe sit down with your partner, your friends or your loved ones and do this exercise together!

Remember that we are all doing the best we can with what we've got, and that this healing journey is just that; a journey. I am so proud of you for how far you have come and I even more proud of the path you will continue to go down! If you are struggling coming up with adjustments, book a 1:1 chat with me and let’s come up with them together!

Happy April everyone and Happy Birthday to my fellow April babies! As always thank you for joining me on this journey of life. You have no idea how much you mean to me!

All My Love,

Vanessa Hernandez

Lava to Stone


Time to Play! | May 2023 | Live Each Day As If It's Your First ✨


Spring Equinox! March 2023 | Fill Your Own Cups & Watch Your Dreams Come True ✨